Snowdomes from the Windy City!

How about some of the local domes from Chicago?
When visiting Chicago, Planetarium Drive offers one of the best views of the skyline. You would have to be out on a boat to do better. The pastel bases on these three domes are much more cheerful than the standard white, Be forewarned though that the gift shops of downtown Chicago are loaded with stencilled black domes.

Sports fans could go bankrupt buying snowdomes of the local teams. In 1998, these two domes represent our best and the worst ball clubs. Three years later, both are among the worst in their respective leagues.

So why doesn't Michael Jordan have his own snowdome?

These views of the Chicago skyline are about all I've seen for sale downtown. What's missing from the snowdome scene are places like the Wrigley Building and the Water Tower. Even more appropriate would be a dome featuring Chicago's favorite food - its fantastic thick pan pizzas.

The glass Chicago globe was an Xmas present in 1997. In the foreground is Marina City,Chicago's unique corncob shaped condo. Next to it is the Water Tower, which survived the Great Chicago Fire.
Click to hear this globe tinkle. (Wav file 152 Kbytes)
Another popular site in Chicago is Buckingham fountain. The nozzles are choreographed with colored lights at night.

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Originally issued April 18, 1998 -updated 2/26/2001